Atel Air Blog


If you follow the news, you’ll have heard a lot about the Federal Carbon Tax, which is in effect on April 1, 2019.

What you may not have heard about is what this means for homeowners.

What is the Federal Carbon Tax?

In case you haven’t heard, the carbon tax is an additional fee placed on each metric tonne of emissions produced from fossil fuels. This includes gasoline, diesel, natural gas, propane, and oil for heating your home or business and driving your car or truck.

This is part of a federal carbon-pricing plan to encourage homeowners and businesses to use less fossil fuels.

As a province without its own pre-existing carbon tax, as of April 1, we’ll be using the federal rate. This will increase the price of gasoline by 4.4 cents/litre, and it is estimated to increase the price of natural gas by 3.9 cents/cubic metre. For a full breakdown of taxes by fuel type you can use this chart.

3 Ways ATEL Can Help You Save

If you’re interested in learning more about heating sources that use less fossil fuels, you’ve come to the right place!

ATEL specializes in helping homeowners find the right heating/cooling systems. We’re often asked for systems that help save on monthly energy costs.

Geothermal Heating and Cooling Systems

Our customers love geothermal systems because they’re long lasting, incredibly energy efficient, and it will reduce your monthly heating/cooling costs.

They’re a proven technology that’s been used successfully in Europe and North America for decades. ATEL air has been installing and servicing Geothermal units since 1984 with hundreds of customers all over Eastern Ontario

Find out how much these geothermal customers saved >

Geothermal systems use the heat that naturally occurs a few metres into the earth. Liquid-filled pipes transfer heat to or from your home (depending on the season) using electricity to pump the energy. The same system not only heats and cools your home or business, it heats your water as well!

A geothermal system doesn’t need any kind of supplemental fossil fuel heat, so you drastically reduce your fossil fuel usage AND your monthly heating/cooling bills.

Learn more about geothermal >

Air Source Heat Pumps- Designed for Cold-Climate Use

Air source heat pumps designed for cold climate operation are much more improved compared to the typical heat pump sold 10 years ago.

We have installed several Mitsubishi Zuba Air source heat pumps. They are designed specifically for Canadian winters, performing at temperatures as low as -30°C. The Zuba performs very close to the efficiency level of a geothermal system.

These heat pumps also run on electricity, so this reduces your fossil fuel consumption. Plus, because it can heat and cool your home, you don’t need an air conditioner.

Learn more about air source heat pumps >

High Efficiency Gas Furnaces

Furnaces are getting more and more energy-efficient with each passing year. If you use natural gas to heat your home, and your furnace is around 15 or more years old, you’ll be amazed at the difference a new one makes!

A furnace with an annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE) of 90% (the legal minimum on new furnaces in Ontario) yields incredible savings and reduces your fuel consumption. The more efficient model you get, the more you’ll save each month.

Learn more about our high-efficiency furnaces >

Other Ways to Save

Give Your Existing Equipment Some Love

A well-maintained heating and cooling system (on an ATEL Air HVAC Maintenance Plan) will last much longer and use much less energy (fossil fuels) than a dirty system.

At a minimum, you should replace the air filter every month. But to get the most efficient performance out of your system, contact ATEL Air and we can set you up with a regular maintenance agreement. You’ll save on carbon taxes each and every day.

Don’t Forget Your Tax Rebate

According to a Globe and Mail article, the average Ontario family will pay approximately $244 in direct and indirect carbon costs.

However, Ontario residents will be eligible to claim a Canada Carbon Rebate (CCR) (previously known as climate-action incentive) on their taxes this year.

Here’s how the Canada Carbon Rebate (CCR) is broken down:

  • $154 back for a single adult (or one half-of a couple).
  • An additional $77 for the second adult in a couple OR for the first child of a single parent.
  • An additional $38 for each child (starting with the second child for single parent households).

This averages out to approximately $300.

There will also be a 10% supplementary incentive for homeowners who live in small/rural communities. You can find out if you qualify using this map >

What About Rate Increases?

Companies like Enbridge Gas have applied to increase their rates in response to this carbon tax, but the Ontario Energy Board has denied that request at this time, so you should see no change in your rates come April 1.

Should rates change, you will receive some sort of notification.

Talk to ATEL to Find Out More

Interested in upgrading your home system? We’ll provide you with expert advice and options that will work best for your needs.

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