Now is the Time to Upgrade Your Air Conditioning – Rebates Changing July 1

Most of us are looking for ways to save on electricity these days, and older air conditioners can be expensive to use. If you’ve been thinking of upgrading your old air conditioner to a more energy efficient one, it’s a good idea to make a booking now.

How Are the Rebates Changing?

As of July 1, the Independent Electricity System Operator (formerly Ontario Power Authority) Save on Energy Rebate is changing. You’ll have to invest more in your system before you can qualify for a rebate.

Currently, there are two levels of central air conditioning system rebate:

You can get an additional $250 if you upgrade your furnace to a high efficiency model with an ECM (electronically commutated motor). ECMs use up to 60% less electricity.

Right now, the additional furnace upgrade is a separate option.

After June 30th, your system will need to have a SEER of 18 or better — but most central AC units can’t achieve this in a real home unless you ALSO do the furnace upgrade. That’s because the AC uses the furnace’s air handler to push the cool air throughout your home.

Now May Be the Best Time to Upgrade

You can find more details about the rebate on the Save on Energy website. Or, just call the friendly folks at ATEL Air. We have a full list of qualifying equipment and can help walk you through the process.

Call us at 613-535-2720 or ask for a free quote online.

You’ll need to act fast to avoid disappointment – our schedule is filling up fast and you’ll need time to send in your rebate application.

Ask For Your Free Quote Now

PSST – Until May 31 2017 we will double your rebate for you!